How to protect from yourself- Dr Nitin Garg
Despite preventive measures, Air pollution continues to rise at an alarming level. Polluted air has now become a health hazard which is worrisome for all of us. The AQI index is constantly crossing the hazardous mark which is leading to serious health problems such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), bronchitis, dyspnea, nausea, and […]
Stop the Spread of Omicron Get Yourself Screened
Transmission: It is more likely to have increased transmission than original SARS – COV 2 Virus, but it is difficult to infer if it is more transmissible than Delta. Disease Severity: It is unclear if infection with Omicron variant is associated with more severe disease. Preliminary information from South Africa indicates that there are no […]
Essential Nutrition Tips for a Healthy Body and Mind By Dr Nitin Garg
In the fast-paced, rush-hour lifestyle of the modern-day and age, it is common for people to miss important meals and ignore their daily nutrition targets. We’re going to discuss essential nutrition tips to help you improve your eating habits, meet your body’s nutritional needs and have a positive impact on your physical and mental health.
Myths and Facts about Covid-19
Amidst an unprecedented healthcare crisis of worldwide scale, myths and misconceptions are bound to be created and circulated amongst people, especially through social and digital media. In this blog, we debunk the most popular myths and help you filter the facts about Covid-19.
The Need for ICU and Critical Care
ICU or Intensive Care Units are specialized treatment branches in hospitals for patients who are acutely unwell and/or suffering from life-threatening injuries and illnesses. Through this blog, we’ll try to further understand the need for ICUs and the importance of critical care medicine in healthcare.