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Common Health Screenings and Tests Every Adult Should Know About

Health screening and tests are important in making a healthy life last longer by detecting potential issues earlier. According to Dr. Nitin Garg, a known general physician, these screenings are perfect for identifying diseases at an early stage before they become hazardous. But there are some common health screenings and tests every adult should know about.

Blood Pressure Screening.

Blood pressure: Blood pressures should be monitored regularly in order to find the hypertensive one, which later can turn into a major hazard for heart diseases and strokes. According to Dr. Nitin Garg, one of the best primary care physicians in Cummings GA,the first aspect that has needed is monitoring blood pressure on a regular basis for treatment and effective prevention from complications also as well.

Cholesterol Check.

Heart health: A cholesterol test checks the level of different fats in your blood High LDL cholesterol levels are a significant risk factor for heart disease. According to Dr. Nitin Garg, every adult should be screened for a cholesterol levels after five years of interval time If you are have a family history for cardiovascular disease, so much the better.

Diabetes Screening.

Blood Sugar Levels: Blood glucose levels are measured to screen for diabetes. Diabetes is a very serious condition but early detection can save you from more severe conditions. Screening for risk factors:Dr.Dr. Nitin Garg (a local general practitioner) says to his patients that people with known risks like obesity, family history of diabetes should get screening tests done time-to-time.

Routine Blood Tests.

Physical: Complete Health Check-Up – Regular blood tests help in maintaining a record of overall health. They can pick up on things like anemia, infections and thyroid issues. Routine blood tests are included in Regent’s general health check-ups, like with Dr. Nitin Garg who is famous as General Doctor near me

Immunization and Vaccination.

Staying Safe: Vaccines help prevent influenza, pneumonia and hepatitis among many others. Dr. Nitin Garg says stay on top of what adult vaccinations are required and when its time for a booster to keep immunity alive against bacterial infections it can lead too deadly ones.

Eye and Ear Exams.

Sensory Health: Prevent vision and hearing difficulties by having eye exams, including the glaucoma test as suggested for someone with a family history of that condition. According to Dr. Nitin Garg, adults should have their vision checked every two years and hearing annually-because often the changes are so subtle you might not realize something has changed with your sight or sound perception most at a time.


If you are unhealthy or suspect being ill, you should consider doing regular health screenings and tests to enable your physician pick on top of probable wellbeing issues previously they become worse. Dr. Nitin Garg, a renowned general physician in Delhi recommend routine screening and comprehensive check-up for people of all ages to understand any part away from the illness early on! Background in General Medicine — Whether you need a primary care physician near me or general practitioner near me, Dr. Nitin Garg will make sure that you are being provided with the best care possible! Staying up to date with these regular health screenings and tests will help you be prepared for a better future of your overall well-being.

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